Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu outbreak

With the recent outbreak of the pandemic of swine flu, Mexico's economy must be taking a huge hit. Since Mexico is the sight of the first confirmed cases of swine flu, and students in New York City who had vacationed over spring break in Cancun, Mexico are also infected, many airlines are considering cancelling and refunding flight tickets to prevent people from going to Mexico. Most airlines stocks have fallen dramatically and people are reconsidering their travel plans to Mexico. In Mexico many businesses and restaurants have shut down or altered their menues to ensure consumers that they won't get sick.
I think it will be interesting to see how the tourism industry boosts itself back up after this latest setback. Mexico, especially, has seen a lot of bad press lately because of the drug wars and now the swine flu. THeir tourism industry will most likely take a hit because it is all coming at prime tourism time.

This article talks about the impact the swine flu has had on the restaurant and the domestic pork industry. It mentions one business owner who has advertised his pork as safe because he wants to keep his consumers informed and make sure they feel safe and that they can continue to buy from him.

I think this all relates to marketing because it deals with keeping direct lines of communication open with the customer, which obviously is one of the most important aspects of business.

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